General introduction
Indications for the Wheelchair from a medical point of view, provision of a wheelchair can be indicated by limited or no ability to use the lower extremities, but also with non-compensatable, considerable activity restriction of the heart and lungs, massive disturbance of equilibrium or failure of muscular coordination. The causes for partial or complete inability to walk are varied: they can be due to acquired illnesses .e.g. neurological progressive illnesses, accidents which lead to paralysis or amputations, damages to the brain as a result of trauma or lack of blood circulation or also by innate deformities or paralysis.
Syndromes and Disablilties
The diagnosis of a syndrome can, in isolated cases, display the first plausibility for possible wheelchair provision. The syndrome or disability should be included, in view of the medical indication, in the consideration for the provision of a wheelchair. A certain wheelchair model can be suitable for different syndromes or disabilities. Likewise vice versa: the same syndromes with different people require, perhaps, different wheelchair provision, due to individual job profile. Therefore it is not possible to make a general unique matching of syndrome to wheelchair type in all cases. Effectiveness For us as wheelchair manufactures, the abilities of the user are important to us and not necessarily the diagnosis. Every person is different: body size, personal attributes, the abilities of the affected person are very different. This also applies to the personal living conditions, the age and/or the domestic or spatial surroundings. We take this all into consideration in the so-called building set from which an adapted wheelchair is assembled. The product recommendations given for the respective syndrome are to be regarded as an initial assignment aid. The basis for model choice should always be consideration of each individual case.